Europe’s Climate Change Response: Adaption and Mitigation in an Uncertain World

Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels Wednesday 5th July 2017. Climate change poses one of the greatest anthropogenic threats to modern life across the globe. The risks include biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, meteorological extremes, instability of global food systems, floods, droughts, and the irreversible modification of our living environment. Despite Europe’s rhetorical commitment to fighting climate change, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) estimates that surface temperatures are projected to rise over the 21st century under all assessed emission scenarios. Furthermore, the European Environment Agency estimates that the total reported economic damage caused by climate-related extremes in Europe over the last four decades is close to 400 billion Euros. Thus, mitigating climate change is now a political and economic necessity, despite a recent rise of climate-sceptic governance and severe disagreement on how the costs of mitigation will be distributed. It is imperative that the EU steps up with ambitious targets and becomes a world leader in an inclusive energy transition. This international symposium will provide delegates with an invaluable opportunity to assess Europe’s approach to tackling climate change and discuss possible pathways for innovation, adaption and mitigation. The event will also enable delegates to share best practice and knowledge on strategies for an inclusive and socially responsible transition to clean energy sources. The conference will support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking topical debate. Flyer

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